Flashing an Image by Hand

We recommend using a script to download and flash the latest image onto the development board. However, if you want to perform the steps by hand, the following information should be helpful.

You should have already installed uuu before proceeding.

Download uuu Scripts

Clone the librem5-devkit-tools repository and enter the working directory:

git clone https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/librem5-devkit-tools.git
cd librem5-devkit-tools

You will only need some of the files in this repository.

Download the Recovery Image

Open the Recovery U-Boot Build page in a web browser and find the latest job with a successful build. Open the page for the build – it should have a u-boot-devkit-recovery.imx download link in the list of Build Artifacts. Download this file into the files directory.

Download the Latest Image

Open the Image Build page in a web browser and find the latest “current devkit buster+ci image” job with a successful build. Open the page for the build – it should have a devkit.img.xz download link in the list of Build Artifacts. Download this file into the files directory and check that the SHA256 sum matches the value contained in the meta.yml download to ensure that it was downloaded successfully.

Unpack the Image

Using the xz tool, unpack the image:

xz -d files/devkit.img.xz

Change the Boot Mode

Put the “Boot Mode” switch on the development board in the USB position. Attach the development board to a USB C or USB 3 port on the host that is capable of providing 900mA of current. The HID device should appear in the output of the lsusb command, like this:

Bus 001 Device 005: ID 1fc9:012b NXP Semiconductors

Now you can proceed with flashing.

Run uuu with a Flashing Script

Ensure that the uuu tool is on the PATH. Enter the uuu_scripts directory and run uuu on the flash_librem5-devkit.lst file.

This will erase everything on the board’s eMMC:

cd uuu_scripts
uuu flash_librem5-devkit.lst

This should cause the U-Boot and disk images to be written to the board’s eMMC storage.


Return to the Booting for the First Time section for further instructions.